sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

SSIC AND PAUL’s minimalist works

Photography: Marina Corral Roselló

SSIC AND PAUL, the duo formed by Paula Boadas and Jessica Raya, made its debut in the Barcelona fashion week yesterday morning with the collection “Tesitura Orgánica” (“Organic tessitura”).

True to their style, the catwalk was dressed with geometric forms and pure lines, always counting with functionality. Oversize pieces and overlaps and contrasts between colors were the main characteristics of this catwalk.

Jessica Raya and Paula Boadas studied together in the Escuela Superior de Diseño y Moda Felicidad Duce de Barcelona. They first had the idea to start a shared project while their period there. In 2010 they finally created their brand SSIC AND PAUL.

Their first presentation was in MODAFAD, in January 2013. Since then, they had been adding events to their agendas and they have participated in EGO Mercedez-Benz Fashion Week in Madrid, in the 080 Barcelona Fashion’s showroom and in the Samsung EGO Madrid. They were invited to past November 2013’s Pasarela Fortuny de Granada and designed two outfits for the last edition of The Shopping night Barcelona.

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